Person Centered Care

Being Person Centered means treating others with dignity and respect and empowering them to set and reach their own personal goals. A Person-Centered approach recognizes the rights of individuals to make informed choices and take responsibility for those choices and related risks. It builds on the strengths, gifts, talents, skills, and contributions of the individual and those who know and care about the individual.

Person Centered Thinking enables Journey Found as an organization to develop a process in sustaining a culture rooted in principles of developing employees, encouraging engagement, and making decisions aligned with values of respect, trust, and partnership. The Journey Found team is proud to have been trained by Michael Smull, Chair of The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLC-PCP) and a senior partner in Support Development Associates (SDA) and co-developer of Essential Lifestyle Planning.

Being “Person Centered” is a core concept underlying the philosophy of Journey Found. 
Person Centered Thinking is a set of principles that is the foundation for Person Centered Planning.

Person Centered Thinking is providing strategies for gathering meaningful information and facilitating conversations about goal setting, problem solving and action planning. Ensuring the focus remains on the perspectives of individuals affected by the issue of outcome is paramount.

Person Centered Thinking is also providing a framework for building effective relationships and opening the door to greater collaboration and planning in partnership. This in turn, increases the likelihood that the individual receiving services or the employee receiving supervision is heard, valued and better equipped, attaining a high quality of life at home and  at work.

“This was 40 years ago, and the whole attitude about Autism was that you’d never break through. A doctor told me I should institutionalize Jarrod and get on with my life,”

— Gail Parrish of Manchester

Contact Us

Phone| (860) 643-9844   Email |  |  60 Hilliard Street Manchester, CT 06040

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